Pluralism News, Nov 2, 2019

Dr. Mike Ghouse   November 2, 2019   Comments Off on Pluralism News, Nov 2, 2019

Center for Pluralism
“Respecting the otherness of the other.”

Mission: To build a cohesive America
Vision: To see an America where every American feels secure about his/her ethnicity, culture, race, religion, sexual or political orientation.

As we learn to respect the otherness of the other and accept the genetic uniqueness of each one of us, conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

Pluralism News dated November 3, 2019,
To reflect and think about

  1. Poisoning your kids
  2. Interested in shaping America’s future?
    Just imagine an America where you feel secure about who you are, your sexual or political orientation, your religion, ethnicity, culture, and the kind of food you eat or the type of clothes you wear. We have established programs to foster that culture. We can shape America where all of us can live without tensions, ill-will, or fear of the other. If you are interested, particularly youth, take a look at our home page Center for Pluralism, and if our vision syncs with yours, join us in the movement. Send email to
  3. Evil man Baghdadi dead – good riddance
  4. Hindutva is not the same as Hinduism – Please refrain from labeling any religion with a terrorism label. No religion teaches one to be a terrorist, indeed, they are the individuals who do not get their religion right and yet claim to follow that religion.
  5. Major Festivals of religions for November 2019
    This month there is no major festival in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jewish, Jainism, Wicca, Zoroastrian –

11/01/10         All Saints Day
11/09/19         Milad Un Nabi – Prophet Muhammad’s birth Celebrations
11/12/19         Guru Nanak Birthday – 550th Birth celebrations
11/12/19         Birth of Bahaullah
11/23/19         Thanksgiving Holiday
11/24/19         Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib
11/28/19         Ascension of Abdul Baha – Bahai faith
11/29/19         Native American Heritage Day

  1. What have we accomplished at the Center for Pluralism?
  2. You can donate Appeal for your support.

Mike Ghouse