Poisoning your kids

Dr. Mike Ghouse   November 2, 2019   Comments Off on Poisoning your kids

Do you have the right to screw up your children’s lives by poisoning them against fellow humans?  If you are biased towards others, that is entirely up to you, and you have the choice to free yourself and enjoy the rest of your life or die with ill will towards others. I am sharing a few incidents that I have witnessed here below. 

Please don’t dump your crap on your kids. Let them be free to grow up and build good relationships with fellow humans.


Being an Indian-American, nearly 40% of my contacts are Desis – i.e., people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, the other 60% is made up of every American, and a majority of them are white and Black Americans.  I am blessed to have at least ten acquaintances in every category of humanity and I am comfortable with everyone.

A doctor man, a son of my friend’s friend, was a guest at my condo for a few weeks while attending meetings related to his residency. At the end of his stay – he said, “I wish my parents had not poisoned me against Blacks, Muslims, Christians, and Jews; everything I have heard from them turned out to be false.” He continued, “I have lived in dorms with others, and now with you, they were plain wrong. They were so biased against them and dumped their hatred on me, and I had difficulty working with Christians, Jews, Blacks, and Muslims. Thank God, I am free now and enjoy working with people of all faiths and races. I hope I can talk to my parents so they can die in peace knowing that no one is there to get them.”

He agreed, that when you are biased towards others, it affects your work performance. Your relationship with fellow workers will not be clean as you were poisoned against one or the other.   You keep a reserve with your fellow worker and subconsciously you don’t trust and share everything with them.  That attitude reduces your contribution to your work, and you will not be able to serve your employer with full integrity. And when you go home, you are not giving 100% to your family either, you are obsessed with your hatred towards the other.

Being an Indian-American, I have a substantial number of connections and interactions with Indians and Pakistanis. A majority of Indians or Pakistanis have no problems with the other, but a few of them are loaded with hatred for each other. They also hate each other’s religions, while they are alive, they jump at every opportunity to screw themselves with hate talk against Indians or Pakistanis and Muslims or Hindus. The worst thing they do is dump their sewage into their children’s hearts. Thanks to America, most of the children born here reject parental prejudices.

I was in Israel, and a group of Americans was on the bus to take a tour of Jerusalem. The door closes, and the guide comes on the PA and starts saying she will share about Islam, and Islam has six pillars, the first one is Jihad, which means killing Jews and Americans. I let her finish a few more lines and then protested that I am a Muslim and there are no six pillars. She was poisoning the Americans against Muslims and I was not going to let that go, so I asked the tourists if I can talk about Islam. They all asked the guide to let me speak on the PA – Public Address system. I spoke, and the full story is in my book American Muslim Agenda, but for now, she protested and said, the Tourist Department provides the information to her, I said it was wrong and at the hotel, upon return, I gave her a print about 5 pillars.  Peacemakers want peace and not hateful propaganda. I am not sure if the general Israeli population knows about these items.  By the way, I met an educator, who said, this is happening in both Israel and Palestine. How do you expect peace with such stinky attitudes? This has to change. 

Let me share an often repeated story – Two Buddhist monks and a pregnant woman were waiting to cross a stream that was overflowing. After several hours of hopelessly waiting, the two decided to walk through the stream, the woman asked if one of them could carry her on their back to the other end.  The monks looked at each other, they were not supposed to touch or feel a woman’s body, and the senior monk decided to carry her anyway.

The senior monk dropped her on the other side of the stream, and as the two guys started walking, the junior questioned the senior. You were not supposed to feel the body of a woman and you did not set a good example, I was watching her body rub yours.  The senior responded, “Look, I dropped that lady back there, but you are still carrying her on your mind. The few crappy Indians and Pakistanis and the few ugly Hindus and Muslims carry their baggage to the grave or the crematorium. How sad! They have a choice to be free from ill will. There is nothing like freedom! 

Those of us, who can free ourselves from tension, pain, anxiety, apprehension, hostility, malice, pressure, tension, stress, strain, and conflicts, are showered with blessings of peace and joy. It is good to be free.

You can extricate yourselves from such misery, breathe, and live freely.  The teens want to know how to tell their parents to take a hike and not dump their baggage on them.

Yesterday (October 31, 2019), on the way home, my daughter and I stopped at an Indian Store in Hyattsville to pick up a few food items.  

In the check-out line, a guy asked me where I lived. I said, in South East DC. The guy had an attitude and questioned – 38th Street? I responded, no, Alabama and MLK- he gauged me up and down ( https://portofharlem.net/snippets19/sep252019-move-black.html ), and moved out before I could lecture him. Some of the Indians carry that ideology of caste superiority and judge you by where you live. I understand the pain of the Dalits in India who have endured humiliation for centuries. It is time to change all that in the hearts and minds of people.

If the immigrants carry that attitude, when the times get tough, they could be the target of the wrath of Americans, meaning those who were born and raised here at least for a few generations.

At the counter, my daughter asked the cashier if they have a Pakola, a soft drink she likes. The guy reluctantly responded, “that’s a Pakistani drink.” As if it were a sin to ask for Pakola in the Indian store. Most stores carry drinks from all over the world. Of course, he has a choice to carry the product, but why carry that stinky attitude? He should remember that he abandoned Indian Citizenship to the American, as most of the immigrants do, and I believe to enjoy the fullness of being American, we should purge our home-grown-pettiness of our system.

My question to the Indian and Pakistani Americans is this: when you chose to be an American Citizen, were you honest about it? Did you shed the baggage of anti-each other?   

A Pakistani kid in Richardson Square mall harassed my son for his Indianness. Like most other kids, my son called him a Paki, and it took several conversations between me and my son to see the other as a fellow American and nothing less – we are all equal and no one is more privileged than the other. I did not know the other kid, otherwise, I would have talked to his parents.  I did not want my kids to be biased against any human and thank God, they have no prejudice against anyone. Let me add that I took them to every place of worship when they were kids, I wanted them to be open to people of all faiths including the LGBTQ community. 

Whatever your heritage is, be it Israeli-Palestinian, English-French, Indian-Pakistani, Chinese-Taiwanese, Black-White, or anyone of the traditions from Atheism to Zoroastrianism, do you inject prejudices in your kids?

You certainly can carry your prejudices to your grave, but please don’t poison your kids. You will be the loser; your kids will go along with you, but will not respect you and sometimes, will have nothing to do with you.   

Remember, you are screwing up your child’s life in America, what if she/he has a chance to serve a branch of the Government? Will he/she have the integrity to serve American interests to the best of fair practices? Should your kid have the opportunity to be employed in such positions?  What if an Indian American is appointed as an Ambassador or an envoy to Pakistan, or a  Palestinian American is appointed to serve in Israel or vice-versa, will they carry the baggage their parents had dumped on them or do what is right for America?

Maybe we need to introduce a bill in the House, one must have a clear mind towards other people if they were to be employed in the government. The FBI must investigate their social media comments and their background if they are an immigrant. We can cut down biased people in our government, this is one more step in perfecting our union. 

Becoming an American is to act in the interests of America. This can be applied in any country, the most important thing to understand is the freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly, protest, and petition to the government.  Each human should have the freedom to eat, drink, wear, and believe whatever the hell he or she wants to do in the pursuit of his/her life, liberty, and happiness. Indeed, America’s prosperity hinges on such freedoms. There shall be no compulsion.

Let your child grow up as if he/she is going to run for the President of the United States and is willing to look to every American as a fellow American. Indeed, if we can learn to respect the otherness of the other and accept the (God/Genetic) uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge. Indeed,  the Indian-American congressmen are representing American values and do everything that an American should do. I particularly commend Congressman Ro Khanna and Congresswoman Pramila Jaypal, they are good role models for Indian American kids. I am sure the others are equally good, but I have not studied them to write about them. 

The article can be republished, but please inform us when you do to Mike@Centerforpluralism.com

Link to this article – https://centerforpluralism.com/poisoning-your-kids/

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a thinker, author, speaker, newsmaker, and interfaith wedding officiant. His new book American Muslim Agenda is available on Amazon. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions to issues of the day. His information is linked-in.

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RSS Shakha poisoning kids – https://theprint.in/features/shakha-taught-us-to-be-brave-how-children-were-drawn-into-jahangirpuri-violence/930389/
The Toxin of Hate Speech – https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/cover-story/story/20220502-guest-column-by-shashi-tharoor-the-toxin-of-hate-1940307-2022-04-22
Poisoning your children – https://centerforpluralism.com/poisoning-your-children/
Poisoning your kids – https://centerforpluralism.com/poisoning-your-kids/
Reflection on Freedom – https://centerforpluralism.com/reflections-on-freedom-indias-independence-day/ From Kathmandu To California, South Asians Are Confronting Caste https://centerforpluralism.com/from-kathmandu-to-california-south-asians-are-confronting-caste/