Speaking Truth to Power

Sam   May 9, 2018   Comments Off on Speaking Truth to Power

By Sam Madden

In a very poor section of the City of Dallas, Dr. Federick Haynes III and his FDH ministries are hosting this event from June 28-29 at Friendship – West Baptist Church on Wheatland Road where Dr. Haynes is Senior Pastor.

The cost is anywhere from $99 for students to $315 for a person and their spouse.

Many speakers will be there including Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

I question why they are charging so much for this event in a very poor section of Dallas. I live in a lower middle income section of Garland which is in Dallas County and can not afford to attend such an event.

Dr. Haynes is obviously quite well to do just looking at how he dresses; Ms. Waters lives in a home valued at over $1 million.

Is this what social justice looks like, when the well to do continue to take from the poor?

Maybe we need to be speaking truth to the power these individuals hold.

Sam Madden is Co-Director for the Center For Pluralism and lives in Garland, TX. He can be reached at sam@centerforpluralism.com