It is so good to see people standing up for each other, in this Blog,I will add the links to such upright citizens.
Here is an article from Canada, sent by our interfaith friends:
HI Mike,
Thought you might be interested to see a copy of what was sent to the Edmonton Journal recently:::
Len Gierach
Edmonton Interfaith Centre
Build bridges beyond discourse instead of burning books
Edmonton Journal September 9, 2010
News sources both traditional and modern are full of reports concerning a pastor from Florida who has called for a public burning of the Qu’ran on Sept. 11.
This suggestion, along with the xenophobic fear and hatred of Muslims evidenced by the almost hysterical opposition to the mosque planned near Ground Zero in New York, are frightening beyond belief.
They evidence a meta-narrative of fear and stereotyping that is always disturbing, especially in a western democracy that is built on values of equality and respect for all.
Book burning has a long tradition harking back to the Spanish Inquisition, Nazi Germany and the worst Stalinist excesses.
It should play no role in the discourse of 21st century Canada or America.
These recent stories also evidence a dangerous confusion equating terrorist and Muslim. This leads to a mindless fear and stereotyping of well-meaning people from across the globe.
The Muslim citizens of the United States and Canada have an important role to play in the future of both countries. In Alberta they have also played and will continue to play a formative role in the history of our province.
The Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action calls on people from across the religious spectrum to reject the meta-narrative of fear and hatred.
Instead, it is essential that we take the time learn about our neighbours so that together we can build a stronger community where diversity is respected.
The interfaith centre includes members from 14 different faiths, and it is our goal to build bridges of understanding and co-operation.
Rabbi David A. Kunin, Beth Shalom Synagogue, president, Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action
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Other Links: What would Muslims do about it?
Appeal to Quraan Burning –
Standing up for others: