Dr. Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916
Office (202) 290-3560
Washington, DC
Persecution of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Others.
17th Annual Holocaust and Genocides & Awards Event
Sunday, January 23, 2022, 2-4 PM EST
A virtual event, please join us on zoom
The purpose of this event is education, information, and activism. We hope to learn and acknowledge our failings and make a personal commitment to say, “Never Again.” If we don’t stand up for the rights of others, why should anyone stand up for us? Restoring harmony among people of the world is our sacred duty. We invite everyone from Atheists to Zoroastrians to attend this event and feel a part of humanity.
The Center for Pluralism is a non-profit organization established in 1996 and committed to building a cohesive America where every American feels secure about his/her faith, race, ethnicity, culture, or any other uniqueness. Our work involves workshops, training, seminars and talks about Religious, Political, Societal and workplace Pluralism, in addition to human rights and including standing up for the religious freedom of every human being.
Several speakers have confirmed their participation. Among them are Rabbi David Saperstein, former Ambassador of Religious Freedom At Large; Dr. Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch; Nadine Maenza, Chair of USCIRF; and Dr. MaryAnn Thompson-Frenk of Memnosyne Foundation, who will deliver the keynote address. A few more confirmations are pending.
More at www.HolocaustandGenocides.com
At the event, we will recognize the individuals who have relentlessly stood up for human rights and religious freedom for all. These recognitions have been the hallmark at the Center for Pluralism for the last 28 years at our flagship programs’ annual Thanksgiving, Unity Day USA, Holocaust and Genocides, and Festivals of Faith events.
The individuals who are honored are:
1) Walter Ruby
2) Dr. Maqsood Chaudhary
4) Ajit Sahi
4) Greg Mitchell
Please note that in the last 16 years, we have covered many genocides, massacres, and grim ethnic cleansing events, and we intend to cover them all in the coming years. It is an all-inclusive event. We also acknowledge all the known and unknown genocides through common prayers.
We hope you will emerge from this event in transformation, with a genuine feeling of becoming a contributor towards building a cohesive world where no human has to live in apprehension or fear of the other.

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