Pluralism Bulletin – 02.02.2019

Dr. Mike Ghouse   February 3, 2019   Comments Off on Pluralism Bulletin – 02.02.2019

The Book | Imam’s Hate Speech | Hindu Temple Vandalized | Trump’s Biases | Husband and wife as Equals   

1. The Book – American Muslim Agenda
2. Trump’s Bias – Wall Street Journal
3. Imam’s hate speech against Jews

4. Hindu Temple vandalized in Louisville
5. Tulsi Gabbard – not good for America
6. What is behaving as Equals?
7. Gender Pluralism

THE BOOK: American Muslim Agenda 

Most Muslims have shied away from confronting difficult issues about Sharia, and the essence of Islam. Beyond the five pillars, Islam is about creating cohesive societies for all humanity to live in harmony. I hope the Imams and Muslim scholars who are free thinkers would appreciate the contents of the book. This book may indeed become a reference manual teaching Islamic values that contribute to creating a better world for all humanity. I hope the book would initiate debates and discussions about the nature of Islam. I welcome your criticism (after reading the book).

You can get the book by calling 1-888-795-4274 x 4528 or get it from Amazon online or a book store. You can find the talking points at

Trump’s Biases

It may be worth studying the source of Trump’s biases. Was he biased against Mexicans, Muslims, and Indians, leading his supporters to carry that towards Jews and others?
Does he have a history of making such statements prior to running for the Office?

Wall Street Journal had interviewed me last year about a speech I did not give across the White House. A fake Muslim org propped by Russians had hosted a rally across White House in September 2016, when the organizers did not change the words on their anti-American placards I chose to back off, but my name was listed as a speaker and that’s what led the Journal to call me.

We need to find out if Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was fed by Russians branding Muslims as Anti-Trump even before he was Anti-Muslim?

The Russians had staged (60) Events that include Fake Muslim Events.

Imam’s Hate Speech against Jews 

As a Muslim, I condemn the ignorance of Pittsburgh’s Muslim preacher Imam Na’eem Abdullah. All humanity should condemn it, not just Muslims, I have two solid reasons to condemn his sermon and present 55 different translations of the verse from the Quran. All our Jewish friends can use this as a reference article about false claims of a few right-wing Muslims.

Hindu Temple Vandalized in Louisville.

What a shame! The men who vandalized a place of worship in the name of Christianity are so wrong, Jesus would not approve any of these acts, how do we communicate to them about this? We the people of faiths, all faiths need to come together to mitigate extremism. I urge everyone to start seeing the fact that it is not the religion, but the individuals who don’t get their religion create this mess. We must all unequivocally condemn these acts.–christian-phrases/16620.html

Tulsi Gabbard’s candidacy is questionable. 

I urge the Hindu Americans to look for candidates who will build bridges between fellow Americans

What is behaving as equals between husband and wifi mean?  

A friend shared an article from John Hoxie on Facebook, and it is one of the best explanations of thinking, believing, talking, acting and behaving as equals between men and women, particularly between husband and a wife. 

Gender Pluralism & Misogyny 

A few Men tend to be insecure about their own worth compared to women and devise ways to feel secure by causing women to be vulnerable. I am not talking about the Taliban in a distant land, but

What do you want America to be? 

If your idea of America resonates with the work we have done in the link below, we invite you to join us as a volunteer, donor, writer, and an activist. Three requirements are; you must be willing to be prejudice-free towards another human, and that you respect the otherness of the other’s faith, race, ethnicity, culture, and the way of life, and the third one is a tough one, but the right one; that you are willing to shed the arrogance that your religion is the only way or the superior way, but, acknowledge it as one of the many ways. We go easy on the third requirement as we all have to grow into the idea. Arrogance is the root cause of all evil on the earth. At the Center for Pluralism, our ultimate goal is to create a society where each one of us feels secure with who we are, what we believe, what we eat, drink or wear or how we live and whom we love.

Link –

Your donation produces bold results.

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Thank you.

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
Center for Pluralism, Washington, DC
Pluralism Studies in Religion, Politics, Society, Culture, and business.

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, author, pluralist, Muslim, interfaith wedding officiant, and the executive director of the Center for Pluralism in Washington, DC. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More at More at