- The simplest definition would be – Parallel lines. Like two Parallel lines running together but never coming into conflict. Pluralism is acceptance of various lines, co-existing as equals. In case of traditional rail road tracks, each track is equally important for the world to move on. I don’t know if the word Plural is derived from Parallel, but it conveys a similar meaning..
Pluralism is, in the general sense, the affirmation and acceptance of diversity. The concept is used, often in different ways, in a wide range of issues. In politics, the affirmation of diversity in the interests and beliefs of the citizenry, is one of the most important features of modern democracy. In science, the concept often describes the view that several methods, theories or points of view are legitimate or plausible. This attitude may arguably be a key factor to scientific progress. The term pluralism is also used, in several different senses, in the context of religion and philosophy. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Our focus would be:
- Religious Pluralism
- Pluralism in governance
Religious Pluralism
Our mission is to encourage individuals to develop an open mind and an open heart toward their fellow beings. If we can learn to accept and respect the God given uniqueness to each one of the 7 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge. Knowledge leads to understanding, and understanding to acceptance and appreciation of a different point of view.
The Foundation for Pluralism has taken the initiative to present all religious communities in its programs. The goal is to bring people of different faiths together, and provide a platform for them to share about their beliefs, their systems and rituals, while expanding the comfort zoneof each group. “The event is a tribute to those who think beyond the box.
Simply means accepting and respecting all forms of worship are divine. This particular TAB of this website chiefly deals with Religious Pluralism. Our Mission at the foundation for pluralism
Pluralism in Governance.
The Foundation is committed to providing the media and world leaders with insights, and policy solutions to effectively managing the multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural societies. Mike Ghouse is committed to developing solutions for pluralistic governance of diverse people.
In democratic politics, pluralism is a guiding principle which permits the peaceful coexistence of different interests, convictions and lifestyles. Unlike totalitarianism or particularism, pluralism acknowledges the diversity of interests and considers it legitimate for members of society to work for their realization, to represent them and to articulate them in a process of conflict and dialogue. In political philosophy, those who embrace pluralism are often described as liberals, while those who take up a more critical attitude towards the diversity of modern societies are often called communitarians. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)