City of Carrollton, March 4, 2008
Hon. Becky Miller, Mayor of City of Carrollton introduced Mike Ghouse to do deliver the invocation at the Carrollton City council – 7:00 PM, Tuesday, March 4, 2008.
Good evening;
Greetings, I am pleased to share the various, but not all the Carrolltonian greetings in alphabetical order, I will pause after each one, and you are welcome to repeat after me.
Bahai Greetings; Allah Abho
Buddhist: Buddha Namo
Christian: Peace be upon you
Hindu : Namaste
Muslim : Salaam
Jainism: Jai Jinendra
Judaism : Shalom
Sikhism: Satsri Akaal
Zoroastrianism: Hamazor Hamo Asho bed
And a big Hi for All others;
I am Mike Ghouse, with the Foundation for Pluralism and our mission is to open our hearts and minds towards our fellow beings, we believe, if we can learn to accept and respect the God given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.
Dear God, Please accept our prayers in every name we call upon you, we love to call you Father God, Ahura Mazda, Allah, Jehovah, Brahma, Vishnu, Wahe Guru, Mahavir, Buddha, Jesus Christ and every name that we are not aware.
Dear God, help us keep the purity of our hearts, and help us achieve humility.
Dear God, help us learn to overcome our prejudices, anger, and our jealousies
Dear God, help us overcome our ignorance about others.
Dear God, help us honor other ways of worshipping you.
Dear God, help us recognize that arrogance is the root cause of all evil and keep us away from it.
Dear God, help us live a life of following your guidance.
Dear God, help us believe in the supremacy of you and the oneness of humankind.
Dear God, thank you for allowing us to reach this season, for sustaining us, and for bringing together this evening for this event.
Dear God, bless our men and women who are protecting our freedom for us.
Dear God, help us in upholding Justice and liberty for every American.
Dear God, bless our Mayor, this august council and the staff for serving our City.
Dear God, to night, our Fire Department men and women are being honored for their exemplary service to our City, please bless them with your grace.
Dear God, in your name we begin tonight’s meeting and seek your blessings and guidance to do the right and Just thing.
Write your comments to:
In the subject line please write :: Pluralism Prayers in Carrollton
Mike Ghouse is a Speaker, Thinker, Writer and a Moderator. He is a frequent guest on talk radio and local television network discussing Pluralism, politics, Islam, Religion, Terrorism, India and civic issues. His comments, news analysis, opinions and columns can be found on the Websites and Blogs listed at his personal website He can be reached at or (214) 325-1916