A Christian Apology
Down below, Marylou has put together some serious thoughts for all of us to consider, this comes on the eve of the announcement from Pope Benedict that a formal committee will be established between the Catholics and Muslims to improve upon the soured relationships between the communities.
This also reminds me of the intense moments I experienced with 33 other members of different faith traditions about two years ago in a conference, which resulted in a documentary called “one path many ways”. You can see the trailer of it at:http://www.manypathsonesource.org/LeaderBios/MikeGhouse.html
The movie was presented in the Canadian film festival and we are hoping it would be released on PBS. I will update you about it. Once it is shown, I can put it on the website, or I can show it to a few friends here in Dallas with the permission of the producers Joshua & Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk.
Being a Muslim, I was expecting that every one will be pointing the guns at me, and I was ready to deal with it. But it was a total surprise to every one that it turned against the Missionary Zealots who demolished the Native cultures of America and Africa (about 15 representatives of the cultures were participating). The tense moment came when Becky a Navajo, cried for what they did to her tradition… and offered a symbolic rope to any Christian to come forward and accept it as part of the healing (at least six Christian traditions were represented)… absolute tenseness prevailed, then Rev Todd, a Presbyterian minister walked up to her and received the rope… and offered an apology… Then the biggest surprise miracle of my life happened… Tony Ambrose, an Apache prayed for rain, in no time, it was pouring… it was a moment of celebration. Goose bumps are appearing on me imagining that evening. Watch the slide showhttp://picasaweb.google.com/MikeGhouse/MemnosyneConference
Now, Marylou has offered that opportunity, remember, healing begins with one person at a time. As a Muslim, I accept the apology and offer an apology to everyone, where wrongs have been committed in the name of Islam by forced conversions and other incidental crimes. God would not have authorized any such compulsions in his name. Let’s recognize, Marylou does not represent every Christian, nor do I represent every Muslim. No one on the earth represents every one, but it takes a few to begin the movement for peace and co-existence.
As responsible citizens of the world, and servants of the creator, it is your, mine and every one’s responsibility to cause peace. If it does not happen with you and me, it will not happen with others. Let the peace begin with me. It is our duty to Jihaad (struggle) for harmonious and peaceful co-existence. Amen.
We do have the room for the few, who would not accept this exchange. God is forgiving, loving, kind and merciful, when we follow him (Christians), surrender to him (Hindus) , submit to his will (Muslims), and simply obey him (every faith), then we are to reflect his forgiveness, kindness and love. Please feel free to express your agreement or disagreement in 150 words are less.
Mike Ghouse
Christianity’s Three Paths of Salvation:
1. * The Judaic Path
2. * The Universal Path
3. * The Trinitarian Path
4. An Apology to Other Faiths
5. Muhammad
1. The Judaic Path: Jesus said, Salvation is from the Jews, Jn. 4:22-24. Jesus was an observant Jew, upholding the Law and the prophets’ teachings. He disagreed with some of the oral teachings (interpretations) but there appears to be no disagreement with the written Laws. He said, I have not come to abolish the law and prophets, but to fulfill them. Matt. 5:17. The Hebrew Scriptures are the foundation of Christianity, although Christians do not follow the majority of the written Laws found in the Torah. Many of the Laws, conceived over 3,000 years ago, are out of date and not followed by either Jews or Christians.
2. The Universal Path: Jesus taught that God dwells within every person, Luke 17:20-21 (KJV). The Jewish prophet Jeremiah spoke of this path 600 years before Jesus: I will make a new covenant … I will put my law within them and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God … no longer shall each man teach his neighbor to know the Lord, for they shall all know me … and I will remember their sin no more, Jeremiah 31:31-34. This universal path was Jesus’ major teaching. A God of unconditional love has devised a way to save all (today, tomorrow and forever) by dwelling within the hearts and minds of each and every person. Jesus taught that we should not delay the experience of God and heaven until we die, but that heaven, God and salvation are “now” experiences in order that we may have life and have it abundantly, Jn. 10:10.
3. The Trinitarian Path: This path emerged after Jesus’ death. It came into existence to meet the specific needs of the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Keep in mind, their “gods” were visible in the form of statues — their gods appeared human-like, with supernatural powers. These Greek, Roman and Egyptian converts would never have been able to relate to God as “spirit” who was invisible. Therefore, God’s perfect love and wisdom provided an alternative for these people. The alternative being a person (Jesus) whom they could visualize as they were accustomed to doing. Paul persuaded these converts to abandon their many human-like gods in favor of Jesus. Jesus maintained that: The father is greater than I am, Jn. 14:28. Later, a Trinitarian doctrine was adopted, although many Christian leaders at the time rejected the Trinity. While a Trinitarian path may offend some, Christians worship a God of unconditional love who honors what is in peoples’ hearts. If the heart is sincere in worshipping God and doing good, God honors that path.
We cannot deny the thousands of miracles over the centuries of those who pray to Jesus. Needs of every kind have been met for hundreds of years and continue to be met. Nor can we deny the spiritual transformations that randomly occur among those who are not Christian, but who have had spontaneous experiences of Jesus. The power of love has no boundaries.
However, the Trinitarian path has caused great pain for many others. The challenge with this path is that it claims to be the only path, which it definitely is not! The contempt and condemnation by Trinitarians for other spiritual paths is totally unChristian and has cast a very dark cloud over the entire Christian community. When Trinitarians deliberately cause pain for others, it’s reasonable to assume they have strayed from the path of love and are walking a path of pride and arrogance. My prayer is that Trinitarians would take a prayerful look at the negative consequences of their actions.
4. An Apology: Would Muslims and members of other faiths accept an apology for the arrogance and harm done by Trinitarians? I gladly and sincerely apologize for them. I believe there are many other Christians who would join in apologizing to members of all faiths for harm done by Trinitarians. And if we, on the Universal Path, have done spiritual harm, please communicate with us.
5. Muhammad: Mike, my heart was greatly touched more than you will ever realize when I learned that Muhammad offered Christians to recite their (Marylou, I rearranged a few words in this para) prayers in the mosque and also on one occasion kissed the Torah. Could you send me more information on this please?
I sincerely pray that resentment on all sides will begin to be dissolved and that there will be peace and harmony among members of all faiths, for truly, this is God’s will.
Blessings, Marylou, A Member of the Universal Path
To be Muslim is to be a peace maker; one who constantly seeks to mitigate conflicts and nurtures goodwill for harmonious co-existence and world peace – God wants his creation to be in peace, that is the chief purpose of religion – Mike Ghouse
Our Mission is driven by the Qur’an, Al-Hujurat, Surah 49:13: “O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Allah Knows and is Aware.”
Our Mission
Our Mission is to work for a world of co-existence through inclusiveness and participation. As a member of diverse family of faiths, our efforts will be directed towards justice and equity to attain peace for the humankind with a firm grounding in commonly held values. We cannot have advantages at the cost of others. Such benefits are temporary and deleterious to lasting peace. We believe what is good for Muslims has got to be good for the world, and vice versa, to sustain it.
Indeed we aspire to promote goodwill amongst people of different affiliations, regardless of their faith, gender, race, nationality, culture or any other uniqueness blessed by the creator.
Our short term goal is to understand different faiths and let the values of Islam be understood as well. So we may know one another.
Our Long term goal is simply to bring the realization that the purpose of all religions is to bring peace and tranquility to an individual and further create a balanced relationships between the individual, society and the environment. Learning about other faiths need not imply infidelity, but rather the search will enrich one’s own faith, it reaffirms the idea that the intent of every faith is to “fix” the individual as an active working and participating spoke in the wheel of life. Some get it and some don’t.
Islam defined
The most precise definition of Islam: Justice for every human being.
The Qur’aan starts with the word God of Universe (not necessarily Muslims) and ends with Humankind (and again not Muslims).
We have a monumental task to repair the World, and we will do our part in working towards a World of co-existence, one person at a time. We are committed, and now help us God. Amen.
Good Deeds
Islam is a deed based non-judgmental religion, and consistently encourages individuals to do good. It emphasizes about individual responsibility towards the peace and security of society at large.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) described a good deed as an act which benefits others, such as planting a tree that serves generations of wayfarers with fruit and the shade. The world is a better place today because of a good legacy bequeathed to humanity by people of all faiths that came before us. We owe it to coming generations to leave the world a little better than we found it, to usher an era of justice and peace.
With Prejudice towards none
Almost all Muslims are cognizant and repeat the verse “God is the master of the Day of Judgment, and he alone we worship”. A fully observant Muslim recites this verse at least 50 times a day and refrains from judging others, as he or she believes God only can make that call.
Individual responsibility
Qur’an, Al-An’am, Surah 6:163-164: I ask whether I should seek any god besides God–when he is the Lord of all things. All people will reap the harvest of their own deeds; no one will bear another’s burden. Ultimately, all of you will return to your Lord, and he will resolve your disputes.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) set an example of good citizenship early on in his life. The people of Makkah, non-Muslims at that time, called him Al-Amin; the truthful, the trustworthy and the peace maker because of his unwavering commitment to honesty in word and deed. The goal of the World Muslim Congress is to instill the humane values of Islam and to aspire to be Al-Amin to all.
A Just society
Islam emerged to bring peace, tranquility and equilibrium to the multitudes of tribes at conflict with each other in the 6th century AD. In a period of 23 years, thru suffering, persecution and sacrifice a just society evolved. Diversity was it’s basis, respecting each tradition and bringing them together and appreciating the creator was the foundation stone of Islam. Justice, liberty and freedom are the core values enshrined in Islam.
Islam is indeed a pluralistic faith and imbues a sense of humility and ideals of equality of humankind. These values are embedded in its rituals practices. All people harvest their own deeds.
Qur’an, At-Taghabun, Surah 64:2-4: It was God who created you; yet some of you refuse to believe, while others have faith. He is aware of all your actions. He created the heavens and the earth to manifest the truth.
He fashioned each one of you–and each one of you is beautiful. To God you will all return. He knows all that the heavens and the earth contain. He knows all that you hide and all that you reveal. He knows your deepest thoughts.
The Madinah pact, prescribes the rights of its Citizens and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the signatory to it as the head of the City State. It was an all inclusive agreement between the Jews, Christians, Sabeans, Quraish, Muslims and other tribes for a peaceful co-existence. An example was set for a pluralistic society in documenting the rights of individuals. Perhaps it was the first historical document that included diverse people. The Word Ummah was used in the document to mean all residents of the City.
God could have made us all sinless angels; instead he chose to make us humans, giving guidance on one hand, temptations on the other – then giving room to make mistakes, and room for correction. Islam has not claimed monopoly to heaven; it is assured to those who do good deeds. Good deeds are defined by Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as how your treat others. He told his daughter that it would be her deeds that would earn her a place in the Kingdom of God and not her relation with the Prophet. ”There is no free lunch.
Qur’an, Al-Inshiqaq, Surah 84:7-15: Each person will be given a book. Those who are given their books in their right hands (understanding the book correctly) will be judged leniently; and they will return to their people joyfully. But those who are given their books in their left hands (misunderstanding) will call their own destruction on themselves, and burn in the fire of hell. There are the people who have never cared for their neighbors; they thought they would never return to God. Their Lord watches all that people do.
For Millions of years, the physical dimension of the Universe has existed in a perfect balance as it did not have the ego to compete with each other nor had the freedom to mess with it. They do, what God intended them to do. It is the human dimension that needed religion, and every religion is meant to bring peace to individuals and balance to the world around them through free choice.
God willing, the Muslim community will be drawing the blue prints and developing a 14 year plan to find their space in the world of communities, as contributors and active participants in the peaceful co-existence for the people of the World. The Book “Muslim Vision 2020” is on the horizon.
The human desire to monopolize World resources is the root cause of all evil. The pockets of anarchy and problems of the world are born out of fear and insecurities of evil men. Religion is not the source of wars or conflict. In fact, Religion is the best Gift humans have received from God, without which the World would be chaotic.
Praise the Lord. We are pleased to announce the formation of The World Muslim Congress, A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting co-existence and contributing towards a just world. (Formed: 5/25/2006)
Our silence has done more damage to us, our faith and our World. Silent no more, God willing, we will resolutely take back our faith for our good and the good of mankind.
A Major Paradigm Shift
The world has indeed become a global community. Everyone is a neighbor to everyone else; we aspire to nurture the concept of good neighborliness in the world. Our advisory board will be represented by individuals from every faith. It is time for us to be equal citizens of one world, our home. This is a major paradigm shift in how the religious organizations would be conducting their business in the coming years.
Our upcoming website: www.WorldMuslimCongress.com will present a range of values in Islam. It is a shame that some of the translations of Qur’an contain phrases that are not in Qur’an. A dozen translations will be presented verse by verse, with the source. So you may know the truth!
Qur’an, As-Saff, Surah 61:2-3: Believers, why do you say what you do not execute? It is most offensive in the sight of Allah when you say what you do not practice!
Speak up, silent no more ®
Additional Notes
We are drawing the blue prints, and developing a 14 year plan to find our space in the world of communities, as contributors and active participants in the peaceful co-existence of the people of the World.
God willing (Insha Allah) by the September 11, we plan to role out a Seven point program achieving the mission encrusted in the press release below. We are driven by the thought “How can we make the world a better place for every one”.
Nothing has ever happened without taking a step forward. The website http://www.worldmuslimcongress.com/ is scheduled to be launched on Monday, September 11, 2006. It will be interactive and accommodative of diversity within Islam and aims to be a voice of the Majority of Muslims who chose moderation.
Islam is not a monolithic religion and has allowed diversity from its very inception. Justice, Liberty and freedom are its core values. God could have made us desire-less and sinless angels, instead he chose to make us human, giving guidance on one hand, temptations on the other – then giving room to make mistakes, and room to correct ourselves thru repentance. Forgiveness is a full cycle concept and not merely utterance of words. Hence, Islam is a deed based religion.
I ask whether I should seek any god besides God–when he is the Lord of all things. All people will reap the harvest of their own deeds; no one will bear another’s burden. Ultimately, all of you will return to your Lord, and he will resolve your disputes.-Qur’an, Al-An’am, Surah 6:163-164
Our silence has done a lot more damage to us than the damage done by the extremists. We have a forum now to speak up and present the majority view to the world.
If you would like to join the discussions on any topic, please send your email request to: WorldMuslimCongress-Subscribe@yahoogroups.com
World Muslim Congress
Dallas, Texas . Thursday, May 25th, 2006. All praise to God. We are pleased to announce the formation of The World Muslim Congress, a non-profit organization with a commitment to work towards forming a just world.
Our Mission is to create a better world for every human being, through inclusiveness and participation, as members of a diverse family. Our efforts will be directed towards justice and equity to attain a sustainable peace and goodwill. We believe communication is a two way street. We cannot have advantages at the cost of others. Such benefits are temporary and deleterious to lasting peace.
Our Prophet (pbuh) described a good deed as an act which benefits others, such as planting trees that serve generations of wayfarers with fruits and a shade. The world is a better place today because of the good legacy bequeathed to the humanity by people of all faiths that came before us. We owe it to coming generations to leave the world little better than we found, to usher an era of justice and peace.
Our goal is to inspire Muslims to be actively involved in the larger global community and be productive citizens as well as peace makers to the world.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) set the example of good citizenship early on in his life. The people of Makkah, non-Muslims at that time, called him Al-Amin – the truthful and the trustworthy, because of his unwavering commitment to honesty in word and deed. The goal of the World Muslim Congress is to instill the humane values of Islam and to aspire to be Al-Amin to all.
The World Muslim Congress aims to give voice to the silent majority of Muslims, those who believe in leading a good life by contributing their time, effort and energy towards shaping a just society. A society where helping families, building bridges between communities, and foster love, justice and peace.
Through the revolution in travel and communication the world has indeed become a global community. Every one is a neighbor to every one else, we aspire to nurture the concept of good neighborliness in the world. Our advisory board will be represented by individuals from every faith. It is time for us to be equal citizens of one world, our home. This is a paradigm shift in how the religious organizations would be conducting their business in the coming years and we hope it paves way for co-existence.
Insha Allah, the organization will officially come into full operation on Tuesday, July 4th, 2006.
Mike Mohamed Ghouse – MikeGhouse@gmail.com
Mirza Akhtar Beg – mirza.a.beg@gmail.com
99% of Muslims are moderates: they want to get along with all, they want a hassle free life and they respect all that God has created, humans as well as the environment. With the exception of 1%, all our Imams are a representation of this moderate group.
You may have encountered disbelief reading the first word of this letter. Figure out 1% of 1.3 Billion Muslims and check out the figures released by the Department of State last year in May – all combined they had figured 450,000 Muslims world wide who are possibly involved in insurgent activities. Of that, a small percent is hard core terrorists. Run the numbers, the insurgents make up 1/30th of 1% of Muslim population and terrorist possibly 1/50th of 1% or less. Statistically they are not representative of Muslims or Islam in any fashion.
The responsibility for the terrorist goof up falls squarely on Muslims as well as the media. Muslims, because they acted like the silent majority of any group, minding their own business and go on living a normal life. They have condemned them bad boys, but not enough to shut them up. The media, on the other hand feasts on terrorism, look at the TV anchors and the neocons, they come alive on television. They instantly produce terrorism experts every minute of the day. This encourages the bullies as they get the flood light, it is wrong, dead wrong to shine the light on those who are not representative of Muslims.
Then there is a flawed understanding of Muslims, and it is propagated by people with short term goals or self interests and certainly not in the interest of people or even America. In the interest of promoting co-existence which would leads to peace and security for the entire mankind, we need to identify the evil and tackle without worsening it. We have to have villains and we created evils like communism, Soviet Union etc.. when they are gone, we have started barking against Muslims, the wrong tree.
Silent no more, the World Muslim Congress is forming to represent the voice of the silent majority. we are developing a board of advisors representing every faith. Every one is a neighbor to every one else, we aspire to nurture the concept of good neighborliness in the world. Our advisory board will be represented by individuals from every faith. It is time for us to be equal citizens of one world, our home.
This is a major paradigm shift in how the religious organizations would conduct their business in the coming years. May be if all religious groups consider this alternative over living in secretive worlds, we may open up avenues, we never knew existed.
One of the most beautiful aspects of Islam is the freedom.
Every one’s opinion must be given a value. Our prophet left the book to us to interpret, he trusted in our intelligence, he trusted in our humanness to make mistakes and he trusted in our abilities to come up with Ijtihad (Consultative decisions) and get back on the track. He knew Qur’an was for all times, and as such, he did not particularly assign any Keeper or Protector for the holy book, because he did not want that Protector to usurp the individual freedom enjoined to us. Only God has the right to judge us to how we utilize our freedom. Even our prophet, peace be upon him, chose to keep out of the equation: He said something like – Here is the book, follow it, if you make mistakes, repent and get back on track, Choose the right path, it is liberation. He said the same thing to his dear daughter Fatima, it is your deeds that matters to God.
The roots of democracy were firmly planted in Islam at the time of the death of Prophet Muhammad. As the Prophet did not assign the Holy book to a protector to interpret and guard, he did not assign or designate a successor either. Had he done that, there would have been dynasties and successors. Democracy was born, a successor was discussed and elected, the one who was most capable to lead, it was the first Caliph – Leader Abu Bakr Siddique.
It reminds me of my capstone class, the final class in my MBA program at the University of Dallas which was not structured. There were 15 some clueless students turning leaders with the Professor sitting in the back with a 6 pack, the program evolved, leadership developed through consensus.
The prophet perhaps wanted people to consult and find the right leader to run their affairs on their own. Unfortunately nearly a third of Muslim population lives under such dynasties today.
I ask whether I should seek any god besides God–when he is the Lord of all things. All people will reap the harvest of their own deeds; no one will bear another’s burden. Ultimately, all of you will return to your Lord, and he will resolve your disputes. -Qur’an, Al-An’am, Surah 6:163-164
Islam is a deed based religion, salvation comes thru good deeds. Good deed, our prophet suggested was service to mankind, like planting a tree that benefits the future wayfarer with shade and fruits
The Biggest mistake you see when you open the Holy Qur’an:
We the Muslims are embarrassed about our silence and about lack of will to repair the wrongs. Silence no more. The fear you may have of Muslims has stemmed from reading the translations of Qur’an and your irresponsibility in clarifying the truth. One of my favorite verse comes from the Holy Bhagvad Gita “Finding the truth is your own responsibility” that corresponds with the quote above that it is your deeds that determine your Nirvana.5:51, says, “Do not take the Jews and Christians as friends (auliya).” Beginning immediately with Surah Fatiha 1:1 (the opening chapter of the Qur’an) we find a translation not to be found anywhere else:
1:1-7Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who have earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).” (HK translation 1:1-7)
And the words Kafir and Infidel.
If you have read the above translations, then you must have picked up the free copy of the Qur’an with translations done by Hilali and Khan. This translation is spread all over the world, especially in the Indian sub-continent.
It is a distortion to put in parenthesis the words “such as the Jews” and “such as the Christians” So if you have a Qur’an at home with this kind of translation – DO NOT READ IT IS INCORRECT. I recommend translation by Muhammed Asad, “The Message of the Qur’an.”
I don’t blame your for how you feel when you read the above. It is certainly confusing to you and even Muslims. Thanks God, there are 14 available translations now, and more are popping. So which one is the right one? This has created a lot of misunderstanding among people who read the Qur’an, Muslims as well as people of other faiths.
God willing we will fix the problem. Our website will present all the translations, verse by verse including the one that frightens you.
Indeed, the people referred to in the above verse were specific individuals, i.e., the individuals who were in that conflict and not any one else. It does not apply to –all Jews and Christian of today or even that day when the verse was revealed. There are hundreds of verses that were addressed to a specific situation and individuals.
One more area where readers get mislead is 5:51, “Do not take the Jews and Christians as your friends.” The Arabic word “auliya” is incorrectly translated as “friends.” The correct word in the context of the full meaning of that particular line should be, “savior.”
Hence the translation should be read as, “ Do not take the Jews and Christians as your saviors with small ‘s’ not capital ‘s’. Explanation should be given to explain, savior is one who is not only your protector of the most vital interests but one who is also religiously and spiritually well grounded to meet the needs of the individual as well as the entire society. Some one who is also a guide to living a righteous life as well as physically who protects you.
This is to clarify to our Christian believers that, the word savior is not in any way related to Jesus. Using friends in place of auliya, in the past was done by some scholars incorrectly because the Quran which is interfaith friendly scripture allows inter-marriages among the People of the Book and admonishes readers to be good to people of the book.
Iftekhar Hai of United Muslims of America. Interfaith Alliance. Sister Sheila Musa aptly pointed out the difference in interpretations and Waleed Kavalec about the availability of 14 translations, which would take away the servitude to one translation over the other. She will address most of the words and phrases that may have frightened or saddened you, from sheer mis-translation, rather dis-translation.
This can only give the impression to any non-Muslim or Muslim who either does not have fluency in Arabic or access to individuals with competency in Classical Qur’anic Arabic that the Qur’an denounces all Jews and Christians. This is a great untruth. There are a lot of verses like that.
Most Muslims do not pay attention to the translation, as most all can read the Arabic (may not understand) and go on with their lives. The ones who understand Arabic know the words such as Jews and Christian in the first chapter do not exist. Take your book to any one and have them read it. But that 1% of fanatic Muslims who read the translation and pay attention, developed the reckless mentality of arrogance. Finally, the silent Majority of Muslims have discovered where the problem is coming and we hope to remove all copies of Qur’an that are mistranslated.
In God’s wisdom Qur’an is for all times, (as all other holy books are to the believer) it unequivocally applies to our times, as it did in their time. I would like to see more translations as it enhances our range of understanding of the values, it is an inclusive approach. It frees us from the bondage of singular interpretations, and it frees us from divining up Yousuf Ali, Pickthall and all the great translators. In Islam individuals are not divine, every one is on par. They and us would stand shoulder to shoulder in prayers. It builds self esteem within the community knowing that we can respect all the great scholars but not demean ourselves. Prophet Muhammad did not leave some one else to interpret the holy book for us, he left the book to us, he trusted in our collective wisdom, he trusted in our abilities and after all, individuals are responsible for their own deeds.The word Kafir / Infidel would fade away into oblivion in the next two decades, instead of the current meaning to point non-Muslims. it would come to mean only those who do not believe in divine “intelligence” or some power behind creation. It would become truly inclusive, as it was meant to be everyone between an Atheist and Zoroastrian. As all of them believe in creation and a creator (call it intelligence or God) and not randomness.Here is: Qur’an, At-Taghabun, Surah 64:2-4It was God who created you; yet some of you refuse to believe, while others have faith. He is aware of all your actions. He created the heavens and the earth to manifest the truth. He fashioned each one of you–and each one of you is beautiful. To God you will all
return. He knows all that the heavens and the earth contain. He knows all that you hide and all that you reveal. He knows your deepest thoughts. -Qur’an, At-Taghabun, Surah 64:2-4
By the way, there are over 50 Islamic websites run by mischievous people. We hope to identify such websites and list them all on our website.
THERE IS HOPE: All religions are meant to bring a social order and make us better humans, in the pursuit of that goal all religions have done their best. It is not the religion; it is the individuals who are bad. Without religion there would have been more chaos. You will always find an individual behind all the mess, let’s blame them and nail them not their religion.
Send your comments to: WMCArchives@Gmail.com
Subject line write: Our Mission
The World Muslim Congress is driven by the Qur’an, Al-Hujurat, Surah 49:13: “O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Allah Knows and is Aware.” Our Mission is to work for a world of co-existence through inclusiveness and participation. As a member of diverse family of faiths, our efforts will be directed towards justice and equity to attain peace for the humankind with a firm grounding in commonly held values. No one should have advantages at the cost of others. Such benefits are temporary and deleterious to lasting peace. We believe what is good for Muslims has got to be good for the world, and vice versa, to sustain it. Indeed we aspire to promote goodwill amongst people of different affiliations, regardless of their faith, gender, race, nationality, culture or any other uniqueness blessed by the creator. http://www.worldmuslimcongress.com/