Dr Mike Ghouse.

On this happy occasion of Diwali, the best gift you can give to your parents, spouse, siblings, children, relatives, and friends is the “Fursat Ke Pal.” That is a moment of your time. The essence of Diwali follows the message.
They want nothing but a few moments of your time. Don’t run from them; give them the time for it unites your soul, heart, and mind – and bring you serene joy, serendipity. To hell with “I am busy,” so is everyone, shed the arrogance, and attend to their call.
You may feel the pain; your eyes may get welled up, mine did, when you watch the video listed below. It is a powerful message of Diwali. Since the video is in the Hindi/Urdu language, I have written this narrative.
The son asks the father what he wants for Diwali, as he and his wife were heading shopping. Father hands him the list. The wife wants her shopping done first, and then they sit in the car to return home. The son realized he forgot to buy anything for his father, pulled out the list from his pocket, and read and became quiet. The wife asks him what’s in it? He hands over the paper to her; she reads, ” I want nothing but a moment of your time with you.” He calls it Fursat Ke Pal.
Earlier on, I was busy with life and did not give my mom much time and neglected her “ask” for my time.
Then some Wiseman told me to spend time with her, he said, don’t argue with her, she is your mom, and she wants nothing but good for you. After all, you will be spending a few days and a few hours within those days. Let that be the best moments of her life. That was one of the best pieces of advice I have received in my life. After that, every time I went home (Bangalore), I would sit by her on her Takht (large bench), shut up, and listen.
I would listen to her intently for two to three hours, and her face would lit up with joy. The beam on her face gave me the energy for a lifetime. When I left home in 1977, my father kissed me on my forehead, and I cherish that feeling of affection and caring all my life. I am happy that I have served my mom and dad, and I wish I had done more.
When I imagine her, I hum the song, “Ai Maa Teri Soorat, say Alag Bhagwan ki Soorat Kya Hogi.”
Now, I do the same when I visit my sister. She is happy, and I am delighted.
My dear friend Everett Blauvelt a father figure to me was in a Nursing home in his last days. When I called to tell him that I am visiting – he would be looking at the door and waiting for me. He was interested in my well-being and caused me to talk, and he did very little talking. All he wanted was to see me, his chosen son. I have learned to listen more since then. It connects you with your loved one and friends. As the Chinese saying goes, God has given us two ears and one mouth; use them in the same proportion.
The essence of Diwali is hope. Diwali brings light, and it signifies the end of darkness and ignorance and the beginning of enlightenment. You can greet your friends with any one of these phrases, “Happy Diwali,” “Diwali Mubarak,” Diwali ki Shubh Kamnayein” and the very Best of Diwali to you.
When we live as neighbors, we might as well learn about each other. The best way to build cohesive societies is for its members to understand each other’s sorrows and joys and festivities and commemorations. Wouldn’t it be nice if you know a little bit about your neighbor’s festival and perhaps invite them to your celebrations to start safe neighborhoods by understanding each other? Every human and every religious group celebrate something or the other in their way, each one is different, but the essence is the same; celebrations and commemorations.
On this auspicious occasion of Diwali, I hope we all open up our hearts to each other.
“Diwali is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Dipavali’, which means a row of lights; Diwali has been celebrated since times immemorial. Diwali is celebrated 20 days after Lord Ram killed Ravana (Dusshera) and rescued Sita from captivity in Lanka. The celebration marks the return of Lord Ram to Ayodha after 14 years of exile.” Borrowed from Google.
Maybe you can extend the celebrations by giving another Fursat ke Pal to the Christians, Muslims, Dalits, Sikhs, and other friends if you have. If not, make some friends. It will put a smile on your face to know that you genuinely believe in the Vasudhaiva Kutumbukum – the whole world is one family.
Happy Diwali
Watch this video.
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