Every thing you always wanted to know about Sikhism, you can learn it in this two hour workshop.Sun, Aug 26 – 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM :: Sikhism
Crowne Plaza Hotel on Midway/ Addison.
The Foundation for Pluralism is committed to promoting understanding between peoples of different religious affiliations. “We believe knowledge leads to understanding and understanding to acceptance and appreciation of another point of view”.
We hope each one of us would walk out with an open mind and an open heart towards our fellow beings. It is difficult to shed the prejudices, but once we do, there is genuine freedom (Mukti, Moksha, Salvation, and Nirvana.) in it.
• Time: 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM – Wisdom of Pluralism, an open forum
• Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 14315 Midway Road, Addison, TX 75001
• Directions: Click Map : From LBJ, north on Midway, after Spring Valley on the left.
• Confirmation: ConfirmAttendance@gmail.com
• Schedule for the year: http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Calendar.asp
2. Is blaming a religion, nation, race, or ethnicity for the acts of individuals’ amount to deception?
3. Is holding greed, anger, hate, or malice in our hearts depleting our freedom?
4. Is ridiculing a person amount to ridiculing the creator?
5. Is judging others without knowing them personally amount to _________ (fill in Please)?
6. Is God free or some group owns him/her? Are we not limiting its _________ (fill in Please)?
7. Does God make deals behind our back and favor some? Could God do such a thing?
In affairs of the world, religion appears to be a source of the problem; it certainly is not. You can always trace the wars, genocides, oppression and other atrocities to evil insecure stupid men. Please remember, the purpose of religion was to fix the evils of humankind and it continues to do so while some men still don’t get it. Thanks God, the world is a better place today because of the Religion and spirituality, without which there would be chaos. Every Religion is on the same side, that of goodness for humankind. Finding the truth is one’s own responsibility. Truth brings salvation.
If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, then faith is in the heart of the believer. Let every one find peace his/her own way – Mike Ghouse