Indigenous Environmental Philosophy 2010The Purpose of The International Summit on Indigenous Environmental Philosophy is to provide an opportunity for Indigenous delegates from around the world to meet and discuss mutual environmental concerns!
Indigenous communities are perhaps the most impacted by Climate Change and the least responsible for causing it. Indigenous elders and environmental specialists have also been the first to warn of changes and offer viable suggestions for response strategies yet their critical messages have usually gone unheeded by dominant societies.
The International Summit on Indigenous Environmental Philosophy will provide a forum for Indigenous thinkers from around the world to gather in a retreat setting to discuss two important questions: – What distinguishes Indigenous Environmental Philosophy from Western Environmental Philosophy? – How should Indigenous Environmental Philosophy be incorporated in the international dialogue on Climate Change?
The International Summit on Indigenous Environmental Philosophy is a collaborative effort of:The Memnosyne FoundationThe University of North TexasThe Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma Environmental Program The Anadarko Indian School District. Details at:www.indigenousenvirosummit10.org