Weekly Pluralism News – 3/4/18 -Call for US Leadership

Dr. Mike Ghouse   March 4, 2018   Comments Off on Weekly Pluralism News – 3/4/18 -Call for US Leadership

Sunday, March 4, 2018

To:  Hon. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
Hon. Ambassador-at-Large Sam Brownback

Call for US Leadership in Syria and Burma

Two Genocides in Burma and Syria are in making and if we don’t do anything about it, no one will. I appreciate the many organizations for their efforts.  I appeal to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Ambassador-at-large Sam Brownback to take an aggressive stand.

We need to bring a drastic change in our policies; we should not give a free hand to the oppressors to push people out of their own lands. If we keep absorbing the refugees elsewhere in different lands, we are essentially legitimizing the oppressors to throw anyone out without consequences. What we need to do is create safe zones for the affected people in both regions and then work with the oppressors and the oppressed to restore sanity and harmony.

We need to uphold their dignity to live in their own place and in their own lands, they should not be begging other nations to take them, and it is very humiliating.

Christiana Amanpour’s did an extensive report on different Genocides.  Invariably, the past US Presidents were not interested until they were pushed and pressurized. God bless late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke for pushing President Clinton and stopping the Genocides in Bosnia, and others have taken leads in stopping the Genocide in Darfur and elsewhere.

We should not wait until we are pushed to do. We need to do our part of the funding to the United Nations forces and land the troops in Burma and Syria and protect those zones. We need to rejuvenate the United Nations.

God bless you
Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism

Center for pluralism

Pluralism News is the expression of our work, and we are pleased to share the same with you. Our land is inhabited by people from Atheists to Zoroastrians, Republican, Democrats and others, different races, ethnicities, cultures, and cuisines. Pluralism is an attitude of respecting the otherness of others and accepting the God given the uniqueness of each one of us, and as we learn to do that, conflicts fade and solutions emerge. You can always access this info from www.PluralismNews.com 

A few articles to read

What do we do at the Center for Pluralism?

If you want America to function cohesively, where you feel secure about yourselves, your faith, your face, race, ethnicity, culture and even your politics, we have a space for you.  If you wish to be part of the Center for Pluralism as a volunteer, donor, scholar, or a writer, please write to Mike@Centerforpluralism.com – Please visit our site and donate at  https://centerforpluralism.com/donate/

Interfaith Marriages

Marriage is indeed an expression of a commitment to s relationship between two individuals.  The men and women who take the bold step to become one regardless of their origins, faiths, races, and ethnicities must be applauded. They are setting an example of how to live in harmony despite their differences.  Interfaith marriages are becoming the new norm of the society. In a few years, one out of two marriages would be of interfaith. Yes, this is across the board, whether you are a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Baha’i, Atheist or the other. According to the Pew survey, 40% of people of faiths will be marrying a person of another faith, it is higher among Jews, it is 50%. Details at – www.InterfaithMarriages.org

Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism