PluralismWorkshop Archives

Dr. Mike Ghouse   December 26, 2020   Comments Off on PluralismWorkshop Archives

A presentation of the Center for Pluralism.
Diverse Topics – Pluralism in politics, culture, religion, and family

If it is Sunday, it is pluralism

Website –
Non-Profit 501 (c) (3) Organization


Building a Cohesive America
Saturday, October 17, 2010 | 7-9:30 PM CST
Sponsored by College of complexes
Speaker Mike Ghouse
Details at –

Muslims building a Cohesive America
Saturday, October 24, 2020 | 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST

Presented by MCC Seniors committee and the Center for Pluralism
Speaker – Dr. Mike Ghouse, President Center for Pluralism and a fellow at World Muslim Congress

Details at
YouTube – to be posted ______________________________________________________________________

Speaking Peace in a World of Conflict
Sunday, Nov 8, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM – EST

Presented by the Center for Pluralism

We live in a politically charged climate and dangerous times where religion, fragile relationships, and blind misunderstanding has become a powerful tool to divide people and communities.

In this interactive session, we will talk about how our speech can heal or hurt, create joy or suffering, and determine our happiness.

Details at:

Speakers: Soraya Deen and Mike Ghouse will present the program

YouTube –

Building a Cohesive India
Saturday, Nov 14, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM – EST

Sponsored by Indians Together – a Whatsapp secular group.
How do we build a cohesive India where no Indian has to live in the fear of the other, and everyone must feel secure about his/her faith, culture, and ethnicity.

Speakers: Dr. Pandit Sharma, Dileep Thatte, Dr. Pallavi Gowda, and Mike Ghouse
Details at

Youtube –

Muhammad (pbuh) the Peacemaker
Sunday, Nov 15, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM – EST

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not come in the world for Muslims, he came with a message for common goodness. He was a mercy to mankind and was committed to peaceful societies and he knew one cannot build peace in a vacuum, one has to earn the trust of the society, one has to be truthful, reliable, and trustworthy and around whom others have to be safe and secure. His model was that of the ideal citizen.

Speakers – Mike Ghouse

Details at

YouTube – N/A


20th Annual Thanksgiving Celebrations
Saturday, Nov 21, 2020 – 5:00-7:00 PM

The Center for Pluralism is organizing this event since 1994, and we have skipped a few years, so it is the 20th Annual Celebration of gratitude. It is an expression of Cultural Pluralism. This year, we will do it virtually with dinner.

View Page

  • The Sikh Community will be honored for the second time for their service to mankind.
  • The annual Pluralist awards to individuals for their work in Media, exceptional community outreach, support the work of interfaith, and one Special Recognition. Nominations are invited with the full biodata and the impact they have created in society. Please send the material to – a committee will finalize the awards.
  • Recognitions – the interfaith and interracial couples will be recognized for their contribution to building on the idea of one nation.
  • Details at

YouTube –

Why should you run for Public office in 2022 (Monthly event)
Sunday, Nov 22, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM – EST

Did you ever feel that if you were a Congressman, Senator, State Representative, or a councilman, you could have done better than many of them out there? If you did, you are qualified to run for that office. You don’t need any background or experience for that, all you need is courage, the rest we can assist you.

– Sam Rasoul – candiddate for Lt. Governor of the state of Virginia
– Karishma Mehta – running forr state delegate of the state of Virginia
– Ghazala Salam – President, American Muslim Caucus

Co-Host: Aliya Khan is a Community Grassroots Organizer and 2016 and 2020 State Delegate for Senator Sanders. Aliyah is a Co-Founder and Board Member of VMPAC

Host: Mike Ghouse, is president of the Center for Pluralism, committed to building a cohesive America where no American feels excluded.

Details at

YouTube –

Busting Myths about Muslims and Hindus
Saturday, Nov 28, 2020 | 12:00 PM EST – 1:30 PM EST

Speakers: Dr. Ram Punyani, Dr. Pandit Sharma, Dr. Nyla Ali Khan, Dr. Shamsul Islam, and Dr. Mike Ghouse will moderate the program and Pinki Pathak will MC the program.

Program details and speaker bios at

The myths and stereotyping have persisted because very few have done anything to change it. Let’s make an effort to understand them. When you work with people of different faiths, ethnicities, cultures, and races, you are bound to encounter conflicts; both real and perceived. The battles may be overt or subtle, but they cause tensions and start pitting one against another. They get entangled in these gratuitous battles instead of enjoying their lives and being productive to their organization, or the community they serve, and even family.

Organized by the Center for Pluralism

YouTube –


Sunday, Dec 13, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM – EST

If you are passionate about seeing an America that values human rights and safeguards everyone’s way of life, then now it the right time for you to tune into this monthly program. So what does it take on your part? What can we do to help you become a Congressman, City councilperson, or state representative? 

Dr. Arjumand Hashmi, Three Times Mayor of Paris, Texas
Puneet Ahluwalia, Contesting for Lt. Governor, State of Virginia
Pious Ali, Councilman, Portland, Maine

Hosted by Aliyah Khan and Mike Ghouse
Bios of speakers and zoom link at

YouTube –


Saturday, December 19, 2020- 8:00-10:00 PM EST 

Join us to enjoy the Desi (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) songs from the ’50 and ’60s by great singers from DMV and DFW – Vidya Sagar, Urmila Prasad, Vinita Tiwari, Shalini Kapil, Sunder Naidu, and Rizwan Shaikh. 

Singer bio’s, poster, the zoom link, and contact information at



Sunday, December 20, 2020-12:00-1:30 PM EST 

Speakers : Daisy Khan and Mike Ghouse
Zoom Meeting ID 858 8932 1426 | Passcode 417368


Daisy Khan will present the 30 Rights of Muslim Women

Sunday, Dec 27, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM – EST

Meeting ID : 850 7553 5297 | Passcode 755847

If it is Sunday, it is Pluralism. The show is about Pluralism in culture, gender, religion, politics, and the workplace. Every Sunday at Noon EST.

Speakers: MaryAnn Thompson-Frenk, Shalini Gupta, Dr. Nyla Ali Khan, Dr. Ida Jones, and Dr. Mike Ghouse

Speaker Bio’s, program outline, and additional information at

It is embarrassing to think that One hundred (100) years ago, women were considered men’s property, and were required to be obedient and subservient to men. Thank God for the women’s liberation movement that narrative is changed over the last 100 years, now men and women are equal in people’s minds, hearts, and souls in all aspects of life but in practice, it is not 100% yet and it is our duty to get there.


Dates and Speakers to be confirmed, if you wish to speak on a given subject, please send a 250 words summary way in advance with a 100-word bio and a link to a fuller bio to


Sunday, January 3, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 PM EST
OPEN MIC | What’s on your mind?

Share positive stories and your new year’s resolutions, you can sing a song if you want, if you sing well, it is three minutes, or we have to cut you out.

Check this out | 2021 Is a year of optimism.

Zoom Meeting ID 823 7450 1852 | Passcode 760981  

Sunday, January 3, 2021 – 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM EST
Christian Muslim Relations

Speakers: Speakers: Father Dave, Sam Madden, Mike Ghouse

ZZoom Meeting ID 858 0922 1996 Passcode 116703

Reverend Smith is an Anglican Priest from Sydney, Australia. He recently published a book titled: Christians and Muslims Can Be Friends. Father Dave’s work has extended beyond his locale to the Middle East on many occasions. He has been nominated for Australian of the year and has received other awards. His bio and a link to his book can be found on the Center For Pluralism Website. Father Dave will be discussing his recently released book, we will be talking about relations between Muslims and Christians, how to break down barriers, and Father Dave will take questions. 

Details at:


Sunday, January 10, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
Why should you run for Public Office?

Zoom Meeting ID 83 6153 3975 – Passcode 525731

Why should you run for public office?

Speakers –

Program details:

Saturday, January 16, 2021- 8 -10 PM EST
Desi Golden Melodies – Hit songs from the ’50s to ’60s
Singers Confirmed – Janice Miller, others TBC
A profile page will be created soon.

Sunday, January 17, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
Busting Myths about Jews and Muslims
Supporting Organization: JIDS

Sunday, January 24, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
16th Annual Holocaust & Genocides Commemoration

Saturday, January 30, 2021 – 8:00 – 9:30 PM EST
President Biden’s dream of bringing Americans Together
By College of Complexes and CFP
Speaker – Dr. Mike Ghouse
Sunday, January 31, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
Cohesive Work Place


Sunday, February 07, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
Festivals of February (CULTURAL PLURALISM)

Sunday, February 14, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
02/14 – Why should you run for Public Office (POLITICAL PLURALISM)
Sunday, February 21, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
The essence of Christianity (RELIGIOUS PLURALISM)

Sunday, February 28, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 EST
Cohesive Societies (Cultural Pluralism)